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[Sg] - PAP MPs launch the 'PAP Express' themed shuttle bus


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
all part of grand scheme of things to rekindle life into the flaccid cock of East Coast Plan....you can have DPM losing his GRC can you?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh look, you have to use their shitty app to use their shuttle bus service. Data mining much? :rolleyes:

And if it's a shuttle bus only for the residents there, it's vote-buying, plain and simple. :cool:

[Marine Parade Shuttle Bus]

We just announced the launch of the Marine Parade Cluster Shuttle Bus this morning!
The service will run through all seven districts of our Marine Parade cluster - Mountbatten, MacPherson, Geylang Serai, Marine Parade, Kembangan-Chai Chee, Braddell Heights and Joo Chiat.
With 5 or 6 stops within each district, and some overlapping stops between them, there will be good connectivity for all our residents.
The shuttle will start on Monday 8 July, running Mondays to Fridays from 10am-4pm daily (except for PHs).
All Marine Parade cluster residents will get to use this service free!
Sign up for the free shuttle service with the app which is available at the link in bio.