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[Sg/My] - Anwar wants Sg to be dependent on My for its food security, and pay My well for it.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Retrohelix :​

Make us dependant on them so they can blackmail us anytime. No thanks!



Maroon tie on a blue suit... I'm sure Anwar has better colour coordination..
@least Pinky's suit n tie are more matching...


Of course distraction from the real negotiations is the norm.
The real request from anwar is borrowing 500billion in return for SG being the defacto owner of Johor.
Anwar will depose that irritating sultan and make him a janitor.

syed putra

There is not enough rice produced in jiu hu. Land suitable mostly for palm oil and now, durian on a large scale.
State gomen makes it tough for farmers if they wish to plant on state owned land. Most are currently doing it ilegally planting vegetables. The most they get two year lease which makes it difficult for farmers to get financing if they wish to do on a large scale.


Malaysia has large tract of land with only 30million to feed.
We must rent tract of land and start to plant.

syed putra

Malaysia has large tract of land with only 30million to feed.
We must rent tract of land and start to plant.
Easier to just buy a plantafion company on freehold land in jiu hu. Newly developed plantation are all on 60 year lease. Get those old british era companies that got theirs on freehold.


The results of the talks will be evident after 6 months as the need to work out the mechanisms, PR and collateral.
I say Aug or Sept will have big announcement.


Somehow Anwar feels like someone who still hasn't moved on from a spiritual opposition figurehead to a Prime Minister. He seems to be enamored with his old role which requires only making generic motherhood feel good statements without laying out any feasible policies and processes to implement.

A lot of cheap symbolism here and there and yet key areas like rooting out government corruption he hasn't even really started and is already trying to backtrack. It is hard to tell so far what are the central themes of his domestic and foreign policies beyond politically correct statements and amorphous visions. A good example is this SG-MY food supply chain thing which is just hastily thrown up without anything concrete or extensive consultation with Singapore.

Also his deputy is like a time bomb waiting to explode and it's only a matter of time before something scandalous emerges.


Exactly how they going to be our food suppliers? They just ban export of egg and chicken to us a few months back.

How are we supposed to trust them? Ok, May be we should have our own chicken farm in brazil and Indonesia and Malaysia.

Scrooball (clone)

Trust a bunch of clowns who tried to screw us over chickens? It’s good that it made us look elsewhere for alternate supplies from other countries.

I will rather trust a used car salesman.


Can never trust the muuds from boleh land, many times they've tried to screw us from water to chix etc... Heard from my parents many many years back they even blamed SQ's concorde jet for scaring away their fishes in Boleh land waters when the concorde was making the approach to land in Sinkapor...They were so jealous n envious of Sq...
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syed putra

Malaysia has large tract of land with only 30million to feed.
We must rent tract of land and start to plant.
Easier to just buy a plantafion company on freehold land in jiu hu. Newly developed plantation are all on 60 year lease. Get those old british era companies that got theirs on freehold.
Somehow Anwar feels like someone who still hasn't moved on from a spiritual opposition figurehead to a Prime Minister. He seems to be enamored with his old role which requires only making generic motherhood feel good statements without laying out any feasible policies and processes to implement.

A lot of cheap symbolism here and there and yet key areas like rooting out government corruption he hasn't even really started and is already trying to backtrack. It is hard to tell so far what are the central themes of his domestic and foreign policies beyond politically correct statements and amorphous visions. A good example is this SG-MY food supply chain thing which is just hastily thrown up without anything concrete or extensive consultation with Singapore.

Also his deputy is like a time bomb waiting to explode and it's only a matter of time before something scandalous emerges.
Nothing will change. The recipient of dr m's parasitic economy now goes to anwar who was co author. He placed a syariah lawyer as education minister. So nothing will change in schools. More religion, less science and tech.
If anwar is the real reformist he say he is, the PM post should go to party with biggest seat in parliament, which happens to be DAP.
Coming State election will see umno and pkr wiped out if he still continue with doing nothing.


Stressing religious education is going to kill malaysia.
Of course we can be their customer and we work together for food security.
But they can just cut off the chicken export and egg export to us in just a few days.
Let me ask, how secure is our food source from you ?