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[Sg] - Man pays $16 for a plate of cai png (1 vege + 1 meat + 1 egg + rice) at MBS food court


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's MBS, stop complaining. :rolleyes:

Since Sinkieland is a bonafide money-laundering hub, prices are going to escalate further. Incoming capital does not exist in a vacuum and not affect everything else. All your CDC vouchers and mandated 'budget meals' will not negate this trend. :cool:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Should eat at Beach Road hawker centre instead. Nearby, food is good and cheap.

If you are at MBS, the nearest hawker centres are those in the Chinatown area or the Bugis-Beach Road area.

Technically it's Lau Pa Sat, but I consider it a tourist trap. :biggrin: