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[Sg] - LHL says he is proud of Singapore Malays, for not being led astray into Islamic terrorism like in other countries


Old Fart
Why refer to a holy book as useless whether you like it or not
If I were you I would apologize.
To millions it is a Holy Book.
What if at the end it is considered as a Holy Book.
Then your soul would have to bear the consequences.

Once while driving in some Euro country, the idea came to my mind that I have to repeat God's name while I was at a traffic stop.
When I looked left there was a mosque.
I said no I should look towards the Sikh Gurdwara which was a couple of blocks away on the right.
When I turned right, there was a church just across from the mosque.
So, very clearly I being told that God is the same for all which is also in accordance with the teachings of the Sikh Gurus.
Want to read my views on religious books, search the forum. I am too tired to repeat myself.

You are such a simpleton. Just because the zoning in that area of the European country is for religious structures, hence you saw all those buildings, does not mean a "higher power" has spoken to you, ie., divine revelation. What are you? Stupid?


Want to read my views on religious books, search the forum. I am too tired to repeat myself.

You are such a simpleton. Just because the zoning in that area of the European country is for religious structures, hence you saw all those buildings, does not mean a "higher power" has spoken to you, ie., divine revelation. What are you? Stupid?

I am not Jesus.
Maybe you are with the conclusion on zoning aspect ohh no zohningggggg
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Huh? Is Lawlen Wrong PM or Ah Loong still PM?? That's why cannot have simi Senile Minister or Mental Minister.

SG Mudslimes - how come never hear anyone condemn Hamas Oct 7th?


lol proud ??

how mani kuntries hab highest payed ministar of muslim affairs ??

figure this out to know his true n unspoken views


syed putra

Huh? Is Lawlen Wrong PM or Ah Loong still PM?? That's why cannot have simi Senile Minister or Mental Minister.

SG Mudslimes - how come never hear anyone condemn Hamas Oct 7th?
Hamas did the right thing. You would too if Jiu hu had turned sinkie into a Gaza.


Confirmed the malays in SG are the dumbest bodo breed in Southeast asia.

So many rights have been taken away and yet they still angkat PAP bodek. Absolutely bereft of any honour.

PAP needs the Malays because who else can be the low SES? Who else can be called upon to do the dirtiest jobs?
he knows the Malays are united, maybe not as integrous as before, but all you need is a clarion call and all will turn against him. Such unity is still absent in C and I communities