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SG Just Sent a New Batch of Weapons to Israel


Old Fart
The arms trade has always been a lucrative business, especially for those who make proven weapons and platforms. It's all business, so don't take it too personally.


Is people like you who agree with ISIS doctrine. That kid must have learn from u.
I am not a muslim. ISIS doctrines are based on the holy texts. Some islamic defenders claim they are twisted interpretation of the koran and hadiths. haha!

If he parents shall allowed, the kid would be a better person learning from me. He will follow me to run 5km and climb 120 HDB floors instead of reading marydom ideology online. I will ask him to join sammyboy. :thumbsup:


I am not a muslim. ISIS doctrines are based on the holy texts. Some islamic defenders claim they are twisted interpretation of the koran and hadiths. haha!

If he parents shall allowed, the kid would be a better person learning from me. He will follow me to run 5km and climb 120 HDB floors instead of reading marydom ideology online. I will ask him to join sammyboy. :thumbsup:

Quran dont teach Muslims to kill innocents. Unlike your zionist christian/jews.

In before duluxe quote - Kill them wherever you come upon them (Q2:191)


Quran dont teach Muslims to kill innocents. Unlike your zionist christian/jews.

In before duluxe quote - Kill them wherever you come upon them (Q2:191)

You claimed that al-azl is not raped. So a muslim committed honor killing by following the prophet's instruction is not KILLING?

The only prophet of islam said: 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.'