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[Sg] - 'I felt my modesty violated!' Ms Seraphim Lim says delivery rider intimidated her while she was naked with only a bath towel on

Scrooball (clone)

This is a case of Deliveroo acting smart. Knn the usual system of leaving at the doorstep works the majority of the time. Sure there’s a couple of wrong delivery now and then but asking for a code is just stupid.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
The delivery scum hoping to score a free meal
No code pocket the makan
Likely the food ordered from his favourite restaurant

Scrooball (clone)

Can you provide a better analogy? Else you are the fucking cheebye troll, asshole.
U fucking cheebye talk without using brain. Use app to buy food means lazy? Then u knn phua cheebye using what now? U use mobile phone don’t have apps? Why u use the functions in those apps? U lazy fucker right?


Old Fart
U fucking cheebye talk without using brain. Use app to buy food means lazy? Then u knn phua cheebye using what now? U use mobile phone don’t have apps? Why u use the functions in those apps? U lazy fucker right?
WTF are you talking about? Don't fucking try to troll me, you dumb fuck. Lazy fuckers like you who like ordering food delivery and then kpkb when things don't go correctly deserve it. When you could've used your fucking legs to go buy your own food. You cheebye lazy fucker. Or maybe you are a wheelchair bound invalid? That I understand.

Scrooball (clone)

WTF are you talking about? Don't fucking try to troll me, you dumb fuck. Lazy fuckers like you who like ordering food delivery and then kpkb when things don't go correctly deserve it. When you could've used your fucking legs to go buy your own food. You cheebye lazy fucker. Or maybe you are a wheelchair bound invalid? That I understand.
You are so retarded that u don’t even know what u are talking about.

Using mobile app to order food = lazy
Then why the fuck are you still alive? U don’t use modern technology?

Do u use app to do banking? Everything must die die go to the bank physically to do bank transactions? Oh if u use app means u are lazy! Only a retarded moron like u will say such a stupid thing!

Did your mother fuck some std riddled drunkard to give birth to a retard like u? Or did she let some bangalah bang the shit out of her along Geylang while she is pregnant with you? How did u turn out to be so retarded?!


Old Fart
You are so retarded that u don’t even know what u are talking about.

Using mobile app to order food = lazy
Then why the fuck are you still alive? U don’t use modern technology?

Do u use app to do banking? Everything must die die go to the bank physically to do bank transactions? Oh if u use app means u are lazy! Only a retarded moron like u will say such a stupid thing!

Did your mother fuck some std drunkard to give birth to a retard like u? Or did she let some bangalah bang the shit out of her along Geylang while she is pregnant with you? How did u turn out to be so retarded?!
Waaaa, must bring up mother, bangla, geylang and all:roflmao:. Keep your shit together lah, you pathetic dumb fuck. Keep cool.

Haiya you are really stupid lah. You are a waste of my time but I will explain to you one last time. But don't try to troll people in future ok? Just to get attention. When most of your posts are ignored by people.

Bank app, because most banking services can be performed online without you being physically present at the bank. It's just a transfer of data. You want cash money from bank, you still need to use your legs to go to the ATM. Banking is an essential service, same for utility bills, book plane tickets, etc. They provide goods and services we are not qualified or equipped to do for ourselves. Simple thing like food, you can pop by any food outlet, or even cook for yourself. Lazy dumbfucks like you love using food delivery, and then kpkb online when something goes wrong. Now, please fuck off and don't disturb me.:FU:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another MeToo cunt. Probably a cheapskate hoping that the delivery company 'compensates' her with some vouchers.

Anyone who gives interview time to the Shitty Times (AsiaOne) is a lanjiao lang, this one is no exception.