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[Sg] - EDMWer : I tried lease my room, but only tenants from 'certain country' asked for viewing


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

yyhwin :​

had some bad experience dealing with them coz even if they felt the price is not right, they would still view and offer a low ball price. Waste everyone’s time.
furthermore, my family members do not feel like living together with non Chinese.
cannot put Chinese only on the advertisement coz will be marked racist…

PaulLevesque :​

in before u get followed by the 1man justice league


Scrooball (clone)

Just say Mandarin speakers only. That kept malays from getting employed, should help indians from calling,
That’s an amateur mistake. Don’t put anything that is even remotely associated with race and that includes language.

Just use your brain to screen the prospective tenants by phone.

Scrooball (clone)
