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[Sg] - Do you want to eat 25-year-old Sg bu Shanice Lim's Nasi Lemak?



I like her peanuts


Old Fart
It's really not nice. I eat b4. Her prawn paste chicken never fry at 180celius end up all very soggy. Either she overload her deep frying wok or rush job without waiting for correct temperature and resulting in soggy chicken.
Thanks for the review. So her food is not nice, her face is not nice. Let's hope her titties are big and perky, then I will say everything is nice! :biggrin:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Why nasi lemak? All the craze now a days. I still prefer banana leaf wrapped soft fragrance rice with big soft ikan billis ,sambal chilli and a halved boiled egg. Simple but sedap.

The Crave Mats from Adam Road started the trend of selling premium atas nasi lemak.


but all humans will change with time one. later this one recommend change to evil woman how?
You bet on the future by looking at her current potential.

It's more likely she becomes better if she current potential is positive. If she changes to evil, it's because you are fuck up husband. But it's not entirely your fault. Not everybody is born like @syed putra :rolleyes: He is the Malay Romeo.