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[Sg] - China threatens to attack "黄皮黑心” Singapore to make us remember who are our ancestors

orh mee suah

you forgot thailand. usaf still fly missions in and out of thailand from former bases there. thai air force uses us made aircraft thus are familiar with usaf operations. they still have usaf pilots to train them there. usaf missions in the iraq war were conducted out of thailand.
The Thai armed forces, like the Indonesian armed forces, are cautious to not over-rely on US equipment for defence.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't mean that. Thailand has Gripen jets. Indonesia has the Mirage and Sukhoi.
Both countries are not American client states.
indon was never a serious client of usa. she buys a mix of aircraft systems from several cuntries, such as f-16’s from usa and sukhoi su-27 and -30 from russia. recently she is tilting towards usa and turkey for choppers and drones respectively as indon defense minister subianto is unhappy with ccp claims in the scs and the new 9-dash line that also creeps into indon’s interests. the big loser is ccp as not only indon is now pissed off, thais too. tiongs will sooner or later get whacked if they visit these cuntries.

https://www.usnews.com/news/world/a...nes from Turkish Aerospace worth $300 million.


Alfrescian (Inf)
These deluded Tiong fanboys fail to understand it's not against yellowskin, but against the CCP regime and communism. What we are dealing with here is nothing different from African commies, Cuban commies, Romanian commies etc. Don't use the yellowskin as a shield or emotional blackmail. :rolleyes: