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[Sg] - China threatens to attack "黄皮黑心” Singapore to make us remember who are our ancestors


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Don’t forget that China is a communist terrorist state which has been destroying temples, churches and mosques for years. Singapore should stop the relationship with China forever
Let's do it this way. Let's send back all Chinks back to their motherland. They welcome to take their non-fixed assets that they can carry with them.

Then there will be peace.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's why I've said that China (PRC) is a clear and present danger to the rest of the world. Even if you totally disregard the antics of the CCP regime, the hordes of brainwashed Tiongs and George/Dickson Yeo types will do a lot of damage to national security.

Recently, a brainwashed anti-Jap Tiong disrupted an Ultraman stage show in China. :biggrin:


orh mee suah

Singapore is one of only two Asean nations with American bases. The other one is the Philippines.
SIngapore has huge trade surpluses with China. Blocking the Malacca Strait is suicidal.
Bongbong is another nincompoop. The Philippines needs to trade with China. No country can replace China as a supplier for her needs more cheaply. It makes no sense to gang up against China.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don’t forget that China is a communist terrorist state which has been destroying temples, churches and mosques for years. Singapore should stop the relationship with China forever

Recall ambassadors and Sinkie citizens from China.

Chase the Tiongs away from 15 Tanglin Road, escort them all the way to the airport.

Break off diplomatic relations with the PRC.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore is one of only two Asean nations with American bases. The other one is the Philippines.
SIngapore has huge trade surpluses with China. Blocking the Malacca Strait is suicidal.
Bongbong is another nincompoop. The Philippines needs to trade with China. No country can replace China as a supplier for her needs more cheaply. It makes no sense to gang up against China.
you forgot thailand. usaf still fly missions in and out of thailand from former bases there. thai air force uses us made aircraft thus are familiar with usaf operations. they still have usaf pilots to train them there. usaf missions in the iraq war were conducted out of thailand.

syed putra

Navy ships are sitting ducks to land based missiles.
No. Need to buy planes or ships to defend. Just loads of long range missiles. Especially india made brahmos hypersonic missile.


Let's do it this way. Let's send back all Chinks back to their motherland. They welcome to take their non-fixed assets that they can carry with them.

Then there will be peace.

I can help them jaga their fixed assets, including sentosa cove ones.
That's why I've said that China (PRC) is a clear and present danger to the rest of the world. Even if you totally disregard the antics of the CCP regime, the hordes of brainwashed Tiongs and George/Dickson Yeo types will do a lot of damage to national security.

Recently, a brainwashed anti-Jap Tiong disrupted an Ultraman stage show in China. :biggrin:

LKY would say this is Ultramen vs Ultra