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SG Banks are world safest De... Even China Property pIkkai


SINGAPORE - The crisis surrounding China’s property sector continues to rumble, but Singapore property developers and banks with operations in that country may escape without serious harm, said market watchers.

That is because Singapore developers in China are not saddled with the liquidity problems afflicting their Chinese counterparts. And some have dodged a bullet because they mainly have operations in cities relatively unaffected by the crisis.



The credit quality of Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation’s (OCBC) loans for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) could be a risk to the bank, says Bloomberg Intelligence credit analyst, Rena Kwok.

SMEs are defined as firms with annual sales of $100 million and below.

“Default trends will have to be watched as SMEs’ loan payment in Singapore weakened further in 2Q2023 amid economic risks,” Kwok writes, noting that OCBC’s SME loans are weaker compared to its peers.

“A continued uptick in slow payments across most sectors in Singapore in 2Q2023 could signal that SMEs are facing tighter cash flows as the business environment weakens amid macro headwinds,” Kwok adds.

During the quarter, SMEs in the manufacturing and wholesale sectors reported a higher percentage of slow payments with manufacturing firms increasing by 0.68% y-o-y and 0.26% q-o-q. Slow payments from wholesale firms rose by 0.72% y-o-y and 0.12% q-o-q.

To this end, payments by manufacturing and wholesale firms, which are more impacted by external factors, may face added pressure this year, says Kwok.


SINGAPORE - The crisis surrounding China’s property sector continues to rumble, but Singapore property developers and banks with operations in that country may escape without serious harm, said market watchers.

That is because Singapore developers in China are not saddled with the liquidity problems afflicting their Chinese counterparts. And some have dodged a bullet because they mainly have operations in cities relatively unaffected by the crisis.
that is the most delusional or deliberately misleading piece of economic analysis I've seen yet for a while. de woh.

So no liquidity issues suddenly mean the market they are operating in still running smoothly? In a "non-affected" city oso can meh?

wah lau eh. really smoking something powerful.


Safe,fuck lah ,cis sunkies ste okay debts woth high interest to sustain pigeons holes,lol,ignorance is the worse


that is the most delusional or deliberately misleading piece of economic analysis I've seen yet for a while. de woh.

So no liquidity issues suddenly mean the market they are operating in still running smoothly? In a "non-affected" city oso can meh?

wah lau eh. really smoking something powerful.

How can no liquidity... Got digital currencies coming to rescue de


Imagination is the key to dream big and huat big big.... Victory goes to people with animal spirits De woh
that is the most delusional or deliberately misleading piece of economic analysis I've seen yet for a while. de woh.

So no liquidity issues suddenly mean the market they are operating in still running smoothly? In a "non-affected" city oso can meh?

wah lau eh. really smoking something powerful.


that is the most delusional or deliberately misleading piece of economic analysis I've seen yet for a while. de woh.

So no liquidity issues suddenly mean the market they are operating in still running smoothly? In a "non-affected" city oso can meh?

wah lau eh. really smoking something powerful.
Must he hungry and greedy to win, remember?


that is the most delusional or deliberately misleading piece of economic analysis I've seen yet for a while. de woh.

So no liquidity issues suddenly mean the market they are operating in still running smoothly? In a "non-affected" city oso can meh?

wah lau eh. really smoking something powerful.
Once a wise man say, if one is not hungry nor greedy, u are bound to fail