Asshole.Ms Emily Yap is doing a good job in helping out others in society in her free time. There are not many like her. She deserves our respect for her altruism.
There are indeed some elderlies whom had grown up & became attached to their homes, bought while they were young, & thus would have disability in adapting to heavy populated estates, more so in their sunset years.
And because their kids may had abandoned them, or earn little to provide for parents, & also if the owners are at retirement age, they may have difficulty in getting jobs.
We taxpayers are not without compassion, & also, we should not frivolously part with critical funds for other social expenditures such as education, med care, etc.
So, let's cut a deal:-
We taxpayers will instead offer $3000/mth to the owner & his wife each, for utilities & living expenses, as long as they live, so long as the property is Freehold & both are above 65. (property tax is withheld for the duration)
IN RETURN, for our compassion:-
They sign a contract that when either of them - husband or wife passes on - the property will be WILLED to taxpayers, thru our Elect govt, to either sell or rent the property & such funds will be given to our National Treasury for social expenditure, or to help others whom face similar predicaments.
a) The average life-expectancy of Singaporeans is at 83yrs.
b) Even if the couple lives until 100, the total payout would be $6000X12mthsX35yrs =$2,520,000. Very few live to 100...
c) The price of even a Terrace house is est above $3million today...
d) No mortal can tell the future of whether property prices will rise or fall, so taxpayers are taking calculated risks, out of compassion, to help out the elderly, with eyes wide open.
Since these homes are not investment properties, the solution is simple.This strain is particularly severe for senior home owners of private properties. These homes are not investment properties, but homes that they have built and lived in their entire life
It is very worrying that Emily is trying to help vulnerable elderly citizens, and she thinks that this includes elderly citizens living in private properties.![]()
You think these greedy old farts will take up such a deal?So, let's cut a deal:-
We taxpayers will instead offer $3000/mth to the owner & his wife each, for utilities & living expenses, as long as they live, so long as the property is Freehold & both are above 65. (property tax is withheld for the duration)
IN RETURN, for our compassion:-
They sign a contract that when either of them - husband or wife passes on - the property will be WILLED to taxpayers, thru our Elect govt, to either sell or rent the property & such funds will be given to our National Treasury for social expenditure, or to help others whom face similar predicaments
Perhaps, if the insignificant nobody me, is allowed to disagree with with you, NOT every elderly living in private properties is flushed with cash.
They may had bought such properties in their 20s, during our Independence at at far lower prices, such as even $25,000 for a freehold terrace home. The well known TEACHERS ESTATE comes to mind. And their salaries were not much, with limited amounts in their CPF as compared to us whom have thousands in salaries today...
Today, due to the SCARCITY of horizontal land space, such homes let alone even those whom had foresight whom bought mansions, had became the elderly, after 59yrs....
They may or may not had children, but in their sunset years after contributing so much, so much to our economy, due to their age & health, may had difficulty in finding JOBS, to sustain life, of themselves & loved ones...Our welfare system while do exists, but none can live on a mere few hundreds of dollars in savings or charity when cost of living had ESCALATED in our present World.
It is easy to say - sell the home & live on profits. But live where? In heavy populated high rise estates - the noise, the smells, the environment, etc, which they had never acclimatize like the rest of us new generations?
No doubt that EACH Human MUST adapt to circumstances, but are there NO other ways that we can alleviate sufferings, disappointments, etc, to our elderlies whom had contributed so much, so much to our todays, when we are able to, at little cost to our National Treasury?
After all, CPF collected monthly from hundreds of thousand citizens cannot lay in dust, & WOULD have to be invested to ensure the high savings rate to be returned.
So why invest instead into no doubt safe foreign blue chips firm for long term returns, but HAVE NO SAY over foreign nations policies, when we could have done the same for better ROI within our shores & ensure support for the ELECTED ruling class- regardless of current or opposition, when we DO have a say upon policies, more so when Singapore lays within a distinctive position on Earth, whereby all TRADE passes that would ensure wealth & revenues into our treasury, for social expenditure & save lives?
The only thing to worry, sadly, is your belief that we should not care for others, even withthose PRESUMABLY well off without looking into the facts.
It takes EVERYONE to contribute to our society & NONE will be left behind, as our founding & forefathers did for us. Each has a role to play to progress & evolve society...... WE, are a team building up Singapore for progress & evolution, for ourselves, our loved ones & innocent future generations to come...
Stop living in the world of fantasies
A very simple test is to offer them what you suggested or what I had suggested. But you need to include a clause for a fine or jail term if they are unwilling to accept the offer. It will clearly indicate they are indeed greedy old fartsThanks for your response, as it gives the insignificant nobody me a chance to respond.
Perhaps if I may, it is you whom need to stop living in fantasies that everyone is as fortunate as you to be able to treat Singapore Pools as an ATM, for your daily bread.
It takes another to walk in the shoes of others, to fully comprehend the lives of others. Had you walked in their shoes?
Not EVERY elderly is greedy. There are ALL kinds of Humanity, with different needs, aspirations, circumstances, etc.
To lead & govern others SUCCESSFULLY is NO mean task, & thus come a heavy responsibility over matters of National policy, not just to ensure votes, but the success of a Nation as our Founding & fathers had done to give us our todays...
No nation on EARTH can serve the ASPIRATIONS of EACH Human, as each needs are diverse - some want just merely bread to survive, some want to be a King without any effort done, etc.
Ultimately, an ELECTED govt is to give what EACH citizen NEEDS to survive, & NOT what EACH citizen WANT which is diverse & an endless pit of short term populism...