The claim that the taxpayers funded Hawker Centre at Changi bided by the stall owner for using Basmati rice is disingenuous & thus justification for such exorbitant fleecing of taxpayers.
The insignificant nobody me had the privilege & honor to attend a seminar & even taste tasting for both Basmati & Jasmine rice.
1. Basmati rice was developed thanks to advancement in agricultural science in India, to feed its immense citizens living in poverty, where the rich & opportunities of life are a given & are insanely rich, while the poor with little opportunities in life & education are kept insanely poor.
Thru such, the grain rice is only a few MILLIMETERS longer than normal or Jasmine rice. Thus, with longer grain size, it would be able to feed MORE, based upon grain size & size of harvests upon mere plots of fertile lands presumed.....
2. However, during taste testing, Basmati rice taste course & hard when compared to normal & more cheaper aromatic rice such as Jasmine rice from Thailand. Perhaps, out of Nationalism, Indians would prefer Basmati rice, afterall - much of their meals are often dosed with spicy aromatic curries to know any difference in rice textures....
3. Ultimately, grain for grain, a cup of Basmati rice would have lesser rice grains than to a cup of Jasmine rice, as the Basmatic rice would be longer & thus take up more space within the cup.
To put it simply:- when a village moron is asked which will fall faster - 1 Kg of feathers or 1Kg of stone - the moron's answer would be 1kg of stone, as he presumed that stone is heavier than feathers, WITHOUT realizing that based upon Newtonian science & laws of physics, both will fall at the same time at the speed of gravity, as such is based upon weight or mass & not quantity.....