Several crime alert signs in Bukit Timah, homeowners advised to keep guard up
Homeowners in the area advised to keep their guard up against break-ins
Published on Sep 29, 2013
One of the police signs set up in the Bukit Timah area warning residents of a break-in in the neighbourhood. This one was in Sixth Avenue. -- ST PHOTO: BRYNA SINGH
By Bryna Singh
When Linden Drive resident Zena Lim first saw a large sign near her home in Bukit Timah alerting residents about a break-in in her estate, she got a little worried.
That, however, quickly turned into fear after she spotted more of the same signs around her neighbourhood.
"I was very alarmed," said the 37-year-old ophthalmologist. "Were there multiple incidents? Have there been any arrests?"
She was not the only one rattled by the "crime alerts" put up by the police to warn homeowners to keep their guard up against break-ins.
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