Sis Crystal, heard from who ah? I have read alot of threads about this termite thingy and some forumers said that it happens when the land the house was built on was formerly forests (a specific type that is not ex rubber plantation). Does that mean all homes built on recently cleared land has this problem? I am vested in Bukit Indah (Cadenza), also developed by SP Setia, so I am also concerned about this. And since I already bought the place and am waiting for it to be completed, I want to know whats the best way to solve it should it occur. Anti termite treatment every year/5 years? Whats the cost? Anyone can share?
Btw Sis Crystal, we could be close neighbours soon even though we are from different development. I think my location at Jalan Indah 7 is just one street away from Jalan Idaman 8 (if I am not wrong you bought NI precint 8?) Actually I am very excited about moving to JB. So everytime I read how excited you are about going into JB, I can totally relate to it