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Serious Seriously. Pap pegged most of the reserves to USD dominated assets.

syed putra

Hey, USD will be gold-backed too. why worried.. wait till Trump be president in the mainstream again.
There will be nothing left on this planet if trump becomes president.
His sabre rattling caused russia to be nervous plus his unilateral pullout from SALT II boasting US can build biggest weapons on the planet will cause Russia to spend even more on defence. Money russia cannot afford to spend.



Alfrescian (Inf)
There will be nothing left on this planet if trump becomes president.
His sabre rattling caused russia to be nervous plus his unilateral pullout from SALT II boasting US can build biggest weapons on the planet will cause Russia to spend even more on defence. Money russia cannot afford to spend.

So you think sleepy Joe is doing a better job? I'm already feeling tired criticizing your low IQ but you left me with no choice.
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Us got gold meh? Dunno decades never audit liao

during the 70s, after Nixon removed the gold standard, a television crew and some celebrities were invited to Fort Knox to witness that there is a lot of gold there
during the televised session, they only open up 1 vault full of gold to the cameras, the other vaults they never open......

that was in the 70s, now 2022 i think all empty already, when germany demanded their 675 tons of gold back, it took the US several years to return


during the 70s, after Nixon removed the gold standard, a television crew and some celebrities were invited to Fort Knox to witness that there is a lot of gold there
during the televised session, they only open up 1 vault full of gold to the cameras, the other vaults they never open......

that was in the 70s, now 2022 i think all empty already, when germany demanded their 675 tons of gold back, it took the US several years to return

The last reported was 8200 tons of gold. Now china already has 35k tons liao.
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