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Sentosa beaches covered by oil slick



All sea activities on Sentosa beaches halted to facilitate oil spill clean-up​

A day earlier, on Friday (Jun 14), an oil spill took place in the waters off Pasir Panjang Terminal, several kilometres west of Sentosa.

All sea activities on Sentosa beaches halted to facilitate oil spill clean-up
Workers cleaning up at an oil spill at Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Jun 15, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Syamil Sapari)

15 Jun 2024 10:53AM (Updated: 15 Jun 2024 01:36PM)

SINGAPORE: Visitors to Sentosa on Saturday (Jun 15) will be allowed to use the beaches on the resort island, but swimming and sea activities will be prohibited for the time being to facilitate an oil spill clean-up.
The oil slick had spread from a spillage that occurred the day before at Pasir Panjang Terminal when a vessel hit a bunker, a Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) spokesperson said in a media statement issued at 12.40pm on Saturday.
A letter from property management company Knight Frank to Sentosa Cove residents earlier in the day stated that all beaches were "closed".


SDC said it was first alerted to instances of oil spillage in the waters around Palawan Beach at 9pm on Friday. At 7am on Saturday, the oil slick had spread to the other beaches - Siloso, Tanjong and Sentosa Cove, said SDC.
"We have since stopped all beach activities in and along the waters of our beaches, and have commenced a clean-up immediately, alongside MPA and relevant authorities," said SDC, adding that its priority was to minimise the impact on Sentosa's waters and surrounding wildlife.
"During this period, guests can continue to use our beaches, but swimming and sea activities on the beaches will not be allowed."
Residents in Sentosa Cove have also volunteered to help with the clean-up operations, said SDC.
When CNA visited Tanjong Beach at midday, workers were seen cleaning up the spill. A long, white oil boom, covered in oil, had been placed along the beach.
A visitor walking her dog earlier in the morning told CNA that the stench was "unbelievable".
An oil boom on Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Jun 15, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Syamil Sapari)
Oil-covered rocks on Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Jun 15, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Syamil Sapari)
An oil slick covers much of Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Saturday (Jun 15, 2024) morning. (Photo: CNA reader)
A float on Sentosa's Tanjong Beach is covered by oil on Saturday (Jun 15, 2024) morning. (Photo: CNA reader)
An oil slick covers much of Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Saturday (Jun 15, 2024) morning. (Photo: CNA reader)
On Friday, an oil spill took place in the waters off Pasir Panjang Terminal when a dredger hit a stationary bunker vessel.
The allision, which happened at 2.20pm, resulted in oil from the damaged cargo tank on board the bunker vessel, Marine Honour, spilling into the water.
An allision is a shipping term to describe the striking of a ship against a fixed object
A media statement from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) at 6pm said a clean-up operation was underway and that the spill had been "contained".
Pasir Panjang Terminal is on the mainland of Singapore, several kilometres west of Sentosa.


Whole farking beach waters in Sentosa and rocks all tio black oil slick.
The effect is akin to whole Singapore infested by CECA roaches NBCB.


All sea activities on Sentosa beaches halted to facilitate oil spill clean-up​

A day earlier, on Friday (Jun 14), an oil spill took place in the waters off Pasir Panjang Terminal, several kilometres west of Sentosa.

All sea activities on Sentosa beaches halted to facilitate oil spill clean-up

Workers cleaning up at an oil spill at Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Jun 15, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Syamil Sapari)
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15 Jun 2024 10:53AM(Updated: 15 Jun 2024 01:36PM)

SINGAPORE: Visitors to Sentosa on Saturday (Jun 15) will be allowed to use the beaches on the resort island, but swimming and sea activities will be prohibited for the time being to facilitate an oil spill clean-up.

The oil slick had spread from a spillage that occurred the day before at Pasir Panjang Terminal when a vessel hit a bunker, a Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) spokesperson said in a media statement issued at 12.40pm on Saturday.

A letter from property management company Knight Frank to Sentosa Cove residents earlier in the day stated that all beaches were "closed".


SDC said it was first alerted to instances of oil spillage in the waters around Palawan Beach at 9pm on Friday. At 7am on Saturday, the oil slick had spread to the other beaches - Siloso, Tanjong and Sentosa Cove, said SDC.

"We have since stopped all beach activities in and along the waters of our beaches, and have commenced a clean-up immediately, alongside MPA and relevant authorities," said SDC, adding that its priority was to minimise the impact on Sentosa's waters and surrounding wildlife.

"During this period, guests can continue to use our beaches, but swimming and sea activities on the beaches will not be allowed."
Residents in Sentosa Cove have also volunteered to help with the clean-up operations, said SDC.

When CNA visited Tanjong Beach at midday, workers were seen cleaning up the spill. A long, white oil boom, covered in oil, had been placed along the beach.
A visitor walking her dog earlier in the morning told CNA that the stench was "unbelievable".

An oil boom on Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Jun 15, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Syamil Sapari)

Oil-covered rocks on Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Jun 15, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Syamil Sapari)

An oil slick covers much of Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Saturday (Jun 15, 2024) morning. (Photo: CNA reader)
A float on Sentosa's Tanjong Beach is covered by oil on Saturday (Jun 15, 2024) morning. (Photo: CNA reader)

An oil slick covers much of Sentosa's Tanjong Beach on Saturday (Jun 15, 2024) morning. (Photo: CNA reader)

On Friday, an oil spill took place in the waters off Pasir Panjang Terminal when a dredger hit a stationary bunker vessel.

The allision, which happened at 2.20pm, resulted in oil from the damaged cargo tank on board the bunker vessel, Marine Honour, spilling into the water.
An allision is a shipping term to describe the striking of a ship against a fixed object

A media statement from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) at 6pm said a clean-up operation was underway and that the spill had been "contained".

Pasir Panjang Terminal is on the mainland of Singapore, several kilometres west of Sentosa.
Source: CNA/ac


That is basically bunker oil. The most polluting oil you can find in marine usage (as fuel for ship engines).

Good luck with that clean up. Will take months just to get the beaches remotely clean again. Not that they were clean to begin with: Sentosa beaches are literally having the commercial anchorages a couple km offshore. Where in the world can you go to the beach and only a few km offshore from the beach you can see bulk carriers/oil tankers/cargo ships parked and waiting to refuel or offload cargo? The water at Sentosa is insanely polluted: I remember last time I went there and stepped into the water only up to my ankles, within 15 minutes can feel my feet itching already from how many pollutants there are in the water.

Disgusting af. Want to go beach, don't go SG beaches.


any PAP mp or minister wants to get their hands dirty by going into the oil slick and cleaning it up??
sure get elected this GE.
no need to wayang like Desmond Lee at west coast and that Koh Poh Koon picking up the wet dead leaves.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
That is basically bunker oil. The most polluting oil you can find in marine usage (as fuel for ship engines).

Good luck with that clean up. Will take months just to get the beaches remotely clean again. Not that they were clean to begin with: Sentosa beaches are literally having the commercial anchorages a couple km offshore. Where in the world can you go to the beach and only a few km offshore from the beach you can see bulk carriers/oil tankers/cargo ships parked and waiting to refuel or offload cargo? The water at Sentosa is insanely polluted: I remember last time I went there and stepped into the water only up to my ankles, within 15 minutes can feel my feet itching already from how many pollutants there are in the water.

Disgusting af. Want to go beach, don't go SG beaches.
Don’t they have signages in East Coast and changi beach that says do not go in the water?

The coastline sea view of sg is always one dotted with commercial vessels. You want see clearer view need go to Lazarus island

Not only sg waters polluted the air too from all these vessels. Residents at Sentosa cove will tell you about it. It’s ironic sg is an island surrounded by islands and yet we dun have a decent beach


Want sea activities? Please go overseas, if you know where to locate one that is fun and value for money.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
caused by port congestion. MPA has shown they are unprepared for the sudden surge in volume. keep bragging that they are most efficient, laying off many port workers to move to human less port. Tuas apparently is not up to speed. and there is now shortage of trained port workers to manage. With congestion, accidents bound to happen. Is that bunker ship stationary at the anchorage zone or there is no parking space, double park that's why kenna accident?


See how farking thick is the black oil. How are the fishes going to survive?

Might as well call it the New Black Sea, LOL.

Singapore is so farking pathetic and the only country with recreational beaches surrounded by oil tankers and commercial vessels, damn xia suay.


Large section of East Coast Park beachfront closed following oil spill; waters at Sentosa beaches remain closed​

Large section of East Coast Park beachfront closed following oil spill; waters at Sentosa beaches remain closed

Workers cleaning up the shoreline of East Coast Park Area B on June 15.
PHOTO: The Straits Times