And what are you SDP people doing? Swearing?
And what are you SDP people doing? Swearing?
And what are you SDP people doing? Swearing?
I just cant help wondering why the need for such aversion. It's politics and SDP have their own brio. Antipathy wont do you any good, it will only make you an unhappy man.:p
SDP website--grey out all anti SDP comments and thumbs them down. SDP supporters here--use foul language.
Well, like you said it's SDP website. I see no wrong in them having antagonism sidelined. It's their backyard, they could have zap out hostile criticism but they didnt.
You dont have to condone profanity but you dont have to hate either. At times people cant handle their own emotions and got carried away, SDP supporters or not.:p
what they are doing is contrary to what they are promoting. Even Malaysian political parties website don't have a grey out feature. That is so childish.
The greying out is just but a polarization. Hostile criticisms may look obscure but unless it's block it has no bearing on any contrary you said they are promoting. Childish or otherwise, it's their backyard and like it or not that's the way it is.:p
Even their old website was much better. Political party website are about promoting policies, not turning into personal blogs to air dirty linen. Ther is no reason to grey out or thumbs down stuff unless it's your blog.
They have every reason, it's their backyard. You chose to oppose and only look at what you disagree. The fact that you are so obsessed with antipathy, you allowed repugnance to cripple your mind. Until you rid this mental disorder, their manifestoes will always be dirty linen to you. Try posting hostile criticism at your pap website, you may never see daylight. Get a grip and come to terms with yourself.:p
Cheers to you and your lovely childish website type too. Go look at the Malaysia DAP website. Or if you like any other countries opposition's website. Do they have such things? Do they allow people to comment with foul language on theri site.
I dont belong to any camp. Freedom, basic human rights is what I believe in and I despise despotism. Comparing other people's backyard is silly. Different strokes for different folks, you are shallow. Profanity, foul language may hurt but it certainly wont kill. Things happen for a reason, realize irritations go both ways and you will get by.:p
You preach pluralism whih sadly your dear SDP does not, it is clearly evident in their webiste.
Freedom of speech has lead to such nonsense like Gopalan Nair's "PRCs overseas are spies and agents of communism"
You may say I believe in pluralism, I didnt preach it. I dont belong to this camp but I see and respect people in SDP opposing and to certain extent even confronting totalitarianism or particularism. These are political pluralism in modern democracy you cant comprehend and will never understand, you will always remain sad.:p
Freedom of speech is one of the basics of human rights. Everyone in the free world has the right of expression. Gopalan may have expressed certain opinions and when taken in context offended you or not to your liking, you are entitled to rebut that as nonsense like you just did. This is what freedom of speech is all about.:p
Gopalan has made the most ludicrous comment ever. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you start making such comments. Would you like it if I call your mother a bitch because i just hate her? Or take Gopalan comment--do you see PRCs being arrrested EVERY DAY in the US? Are the PRCs in Singapore spying on the US Ambassdor or trying to spread communism?