SDP's stupid logic is go friend friend with neighbors = no need big army. Someone need to go tell those idiots, Fuck U understand :oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo:
Our relationship with MY was never good until the Madhatter stood down. Sure we know he had problems with LKY but when GCT took over the relationship was still not good. It wasn't until Badawir step up that our relationship improved drastically. Now SG and MY relationship has never been better, however no one can say how long it will last. Something for the idiots from SDP to learn, just becoz you want a good relationship with someone else doesn't mean it will happen, it takes 2 hands to clap, if the other party has no wish to improve anything, you are still screwed.
Not forgetting we live in a VERY VIOLENT REGION. The south of Thailand is constantly at war with insurgents, so is the Philippines and the island of Sumatra at Aceh. The region is also very militarized. the Thai, Pinoy and Indon armies have well recorded history of ignoring their own government and Myanmar is effectively a military junta
Conflicts can emerge for no good reason as can be seen in the recent Cambodian Thai conflict. Events beyond your control can cause a war to start. Not forgetting the terrorist problems in the region, Indon and the Philippines are a hotbed for terrorist. And have everyone forgotten how easy it was for some jokers in MY to steal a truckload of assault weapons from a military camp?
An Army takes years to build up. SG is the size of a peesai, if one fine day something unfortunate happens and we have no army to speak of to defend ourselves, it will be too late to start building one.