Russia has nukes.When I was a kid, I was very excited to see European countries sent their troops to Kuwait in Operation desert storm.
Why none of them dare to send their troops to Ukraine now ? No bola ?
EU is a European Parliament. But if one member state disagree, instead of majority, the resolution cannot be passed.EU and Europe should be two different concepts.
500 million Europeans are asking 300 million Americans to defend them against 140 million Russians
usa can send 69m illegal mexican immigrants to fight. they are tough, able to endure hardship and stress for prolonged periods, very elusive and sneaky, have little to no fear, can handle various small arms (thanks to drug cartels), merciless and mean, willing to die for minimum wage of $16.9 an hour.
in future, battles of attrition are fought using poor 3rd world cannon fodder or mercenaries like north koreans, mexicans, africans, middle easterners, central asians, and perhaps if price is right failipinos. cecas don’t need to fight to earn a living. just steal jobs from sinkies will do.
Zelensky now: “I am ready to follow President Trump’s leadership.”
MILF just said she would not send boots-on-groundonce usa and ukraine sign rare earth and minerals deal it’s time for russia to reconsider taking all of ukraine and especially the port city of odessa. plus, turkey after successfully supporting terrorists in the syrian war against iran and russia by virtue of defeating assad, will refocus on helping ukraine to defeat russia around the black sea and crimea. turkey buay song russia playing punk in georgia, azerbaijan, and armenia on turkish eastern borders and in the black sea curtailing trade with ukraine. moreover, the kurdish leader in syria just announced that they will disband and not confront the turks and new syrian gov.
MILF just said she would not send boots-on-ground
MILF just said she would not send boots-on-ground