Quite sure it will be non issue for that big cunt.I thought USS Theodore Roosevelt can dock and anchor inside .
Will the 20 or 40k ppl die?My guess is 40,000 cases at the higher end estimate. The minimal number of infected will be 20,000. I do not see it being lower then this number. So, the range from minimal to max is between 20,000 and 40,000 cases. It could fall somewhere in between like around 30,000. But right now, I am thinking 40,000 might not even be the max. Here is the justification.
This focuses on what the bitch Jo Teo mentioned before, which is that there are more then 200,000 FW in the dorms. The Pigs Are Pigs already know that quarantining infected and uninfected people together in close proximity to each other is exactly like the situation on the cruise ship Diamond Princess. Its worse because the food and hygiene standard is better on the Diamond Princess and also not as cramped as the dorms. In the Diamond Princess case, more then 700 people were infected as the illness spread among the ship. This is out of a total of 3711 pax and crew. This is an infection rate of almost 19%. SO, if you extrapolate this to the workers dorms, you already get 38,000 infections. And that is if they test all of them. If they don't do that, and only test the obviously ill ones, then the govt stated numbers will be smaller. But the Diamond Princess cruise ship is an actual real world case study. I don't see it being any less in the dorms given the food and hygiene conditions in them.
Added to this is the infections from non dorm sources. Which in the ones in the various clusters all over the island. Hence, you will get the numbers I come up with.
There should be a betting system for this.
There should be a betting system for this.
Got betting system orledi what!
20k-40k infected. Some of this infected will die. If you say 1%, then its 200-400 dead banglas.Will the 20 or 40k ppl die?
So wat is the big deal of a virus that has a fatality rate of 1%?20k-40k infected. Some of this infected will die. If you say 1%, then its 200-400 dead banglas.
Case 42 this 39 year old Blanga in ICU for almost 2 months move to a general ward for recovery,, a real fighter. Now he can hug his baby.
That means he is better off dead. He now has cost the tax payer heaps. N if he does not make a full recovery. He will cost society even more.Also the ICU doctors in Singapore are damn KILAT!!!!
This guy must have had a tracheostomy. Any intubation longer than 2 weeks will need a tracheostomy for the tube placement.
And yet the death rate does not go up accordingly...so wat if 100% are infected?The 700 cases are still a bit misleading...700 out of how many swabbed at the dormitories?
Also the ICU doctors in Singapore are damn KILAT!!!!
This guy must have had a tracheostomy. Any intubation longer than 2 weeks will need a tracheostomy for the tube placement.
my guess is the peak is next 2 weeks, and then the cases will drop drastically. 10-15K cases total.
And yet the death rate does not go up accordingly...so wat if 100% are infected?