Clearly, as can be seen from forum postings, more than a few chaps here think that the govt regrets implementing the EP but is too politically proud to admit it. Thus, the charade must continue.
I'm also sure I'm not the only one who gets the distinct impression that the PAP has a very fine-tuned list of candidates whom they deem as acceptable, and have narrowed the criteria very precisely so that no one outside that list will qualify.
The past few days has also seen Shanmugam at his worst. Making no sense whatsoever. What's this nonsense about not electing CPA members so as not to politicize the CPA. And also being incredibly vague on the question whether the new criteria is designed to exclude certain individuals.
TCB knows from the start it was meant to exclude him, but he must play the cards only when they are presented and not jump the gun. Am sure TJS would have jumped the gun were he in TCB's shoes.
As for Malay Muslim, that is not the point. And more than a few Malays and indians see this as mere tokenism, which is what it really is. Worse, race is once again being used as a cover to hide the PAP's true agenda.