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Sam Leong must see, PLA champion driving in International Military Competition GVGT! GPGT!

Tony Tan



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2018.08.03 12:20:54

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  • http://slide.mil.news.sina.com.cn/l/slide_8_199_66173.html#p=1

  • 第一是秋名山车神?中国参赛队走位如此风骚仅获第二

    支持 键翻阅图片 列表查看

    2018.08.03 12:06:21
    • PPTl-hhehtqh3043084.gif

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    “道路巡逻”反事故极端驾驶科目比赛我军获得总评第二名。莫斯科当地时间30号,在诺金斯克军车监理综合训练中心,“道路巡逻”项目比赛正式拉开战幕,来自中国、俄罗斯、伊朗、亚美尼亚、乌兹别克斯坦5个国家代表队将展开首场比赛,开幕式结束后随即进行了第一项科目的比赛。(CCTV军事报道/范道恒 黎国盛)

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    “道路巡逻”反事故极端驾驶科目比赛我军获得总评第二名。莫斯科当地时间30号,在诺金斯克军车监理综合训练中心,“道路巡逻”项目比赛正式拉开战幕,来自中国、俄罗斯、伊朗、亚美尼亚、乌兹别克斯坦5个国家代表队将展开首场比赛,开幕式结束后随即进行了第一项科目的比赛。(CCTV军事报道/范道恒 黎国盛)

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    The "Road Patrol" anti-accident extreme driving subject competition, our army won the second overall evaluation. On the 30th local time in Moscow, at the Nojinsk Military Vehicle Supervision Training Center, the "Road Patrol" project was officially kicked off. The five teams from China, Russia, Iran, Armenia and Uzbekistan will start their first match. After the opening ceremony, the first subject competition was held. (CCTV Military Report / Fan Daoheng Li Guosheng)