Read through jubilee1919's post and frankly, I don't understand a word he's writing.
Just 3 days ago, when he had not donated, he was zapped until his pts are 10.
Now he seems to forget that the real issue facing any member is not the fear of getting
infracted. This is because if the infraction is an abuse, it can be reversed by whoever, most
like it's the Administrator Leongsam or designate.
The real issue, IMO, and what jubilee1919 had faced, where members who are TARGETED
are facing, is the issue of being zapped indiscriminately, regardless of the content one posts.
The zap comments do not relate to the post contents and whoever or whatever is dong the
zapping digs up posts that may be a year or two ago, to zap. The thread is already old and
no one reads old threads to infract, unless it's done deliberately on purpose.
So, frankly, the Reputation system has been abused behind the scene. That, IMO, is the root
of the issue facing members who had been targeted as PAP IB or trolls, without any rhyme or
So, let's not get side-tracked and blind-sided ourselves. The issue of indiscriminate zapping
and its abuse on certain members (correctly or incorrect) deemed as PAP IB is the real issue,
not Infraction Power or the abuse of it.
For those who say rep pts and power are not important, please tell Leongsam to strip you
of any. If you don't do that, then you're just a hypocrite. Go on, do it, then I say you're a
hero. If not, you're just another big fat zero, that's all. So, stop preaching here what you
don't practice. My two cents.