federal tax is 32% for single filers who earn between $197k to $250k. cal state tax is $3k + 9.3% for single filers who earn between $70k to $360k. cal state tax is on top of federal tax, thus fed + state tax is 42% to 44%. moreover there are contributions to social security and fica whether you’re on h1b, pr, or shitizenship. car is affordable at around $69k for a bmw suv or a tesla model s. luxury or high end apartment or condo rental is around $5k per month for 1 bedroom and $6.9k for 2 bedrooms. if you don’t cook, 3 meals plus drinks will cost around $120 a day. most affordable past time is a visit to “spa” run by atb. $69 to make puck puck sounds. oops now so competitive among lau kway bu atbs the rate is now $16.9 in sj.
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