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[h=2]S’poreans shocked African dictator’s daughter wants a MDIS master’s degree[/h]Posted on 17 November 2013
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0Singaporeans guess having money, slaves and gold is not enough in today’s flat world.
Singaporeans from all walks of life with varying education levels are shocked that the daughter of an African dictator wants a master’s degree from MDIS.
This after President Robert Mugabe, the 89-year-old two-bit tinpot dictator of Zimbabwe, was present at the Raffles City Convention Centre yesterday to witness his 24-year-old daughter’s graduation.
Sha Ren, a Singaporean, said: “Why would the dictator’s daughter want a master’s degree from MDIS when she already has everything, such as your own slaves, gold, sports cars, doctors, army and blood diamonds?”
Mugabe, known for his non-benevolent ways, has been barred from entering many parts of the world. His association with Singapore has always led others to think that we don’t have morals.
However, some Singaporeans felt that Singapore is still smart as we only let MDIS become a scapegoat and bear the brunt of bad press and be ostracised.
Fang Huo, a local graduate, said: “Singapore very smart, we protect NUS, SMU and SIM, our top three universities, from being tainted by association and let MDIS forever be known as the African dictator’s daughter’s university.”
[h=2]S’poreans shocked African dictator’s daughter wants a MDIS master’s degree[/h]Posted on 17 November 2013
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Singaporeans from all walks of life with varying education levels are shocked that the daughter of an African dictator wants a master’s degree from MDIS.
This after President Robert Mugabe, the 89-year-old two-bit tinpot dictator of Zimbabwe, was present at the Raffles City Convention Centre yesterday to witness his 24-year-old daughter’s graduation.
Sha Ren, a Singaporean, said: “Why would the dictator’s daughter want a master’s degree from MDIS when she already has everything, such as your own slaves, gold, sports cars, doctors, army and blood diamonds?”
Mugabe, known for his non-benevolent ways, has been barred from entering many parts of the world. His association with Singapore has always led others to think that we don’t have morals.
However, some Singaporeans felt that Singapore is still smart as we only let MDIS become a scapegoat and bear the brunt of bad press and be ostracised.
Fang Huo, a local graduate, said: “Singapore very smart, we protect NUS, SMU and SIM, our top three universities, from being tainted by association and let MDIS forever be known as the African dictator’s daughter’s university.”