For me the only point i dont like about CPF is low interest rate.
Fair deal is 4%~6%.
Other I have no issue. Many complaint these and that look like the need money from CPF to survive. Without CPF monet they will die. These group normally are useless never save money. They should thank gov CPF save for them. Without CPF do u thing they will save money on their own and how many % will really save ???
You are not as anonymous as you think. Don't say I have not warned you.
The Peanut [symbol = ℘] has nothing to do with LHL. It was invented by Mrs GCT for her toy boy TT Durai.
LHL's unit of currency is known as a "Derisory" [symbol = ↁ]
ↁ1 = $5000.
I intend to donate around ↁ10 to LHL to help him cover his legal costs.
Many people are financially illiterate and irresponsible and live well beyond their means driven by their desire to show off.
It is for this very reason that the CPF minimum sum scheme has to be maintained indefinitely. Thank goodness we have a responsible government like the PAP that knows what is good for Singaporeans and implements policies that may be unpopular but are very necessary.
those donated to him secretly will be disclosed when he gives the breakdown ? :eek
THis show how stupid and idiot is the RoyNgerng or those post this figure in internet. They really don't know how to play politic and game strategy.
More amount the collectmeaning more lawyer want to milk Roy.
Should just keep quite about the amount raised.
Why so many new threads discussing about the same?
No name, no explanation, no coherent reporting. Why do they even bother?
who is uncle? ...