Re: Roy Ngerng considering standing for General Election
See... this is the type of ungrateful bastard is what Roy is fighting for. Farking gahment is using your money to do so many funny things and here comes a guy who is asking all the questions to get them to account for it. Instead, he gets sued and on top of that, there are bastards whom he is trying to help condemning him.
he must be dastardly blind
dastardly clueless
dastardly stupid to buy RN's article
dastardly idiotic to condemn old uncle
dastardly moronic to support such a stand
you got no backbone of your own
why must you need cpf to survive
you must be an utter failure
no Singaporean who is successful needs his cpf
he has enough savings to survive
his cpf is just an extra cash for him to earn more interest
a safer form of investment
guaranteed by the government
I don't need my cpf
I let it earn interest for me
you must be an utter failure to depend on your cpf for survival
you and roy must be buddies of failure
look inside think inside think deep
before you condemn others.. tiok boh dreadful moron