Gimme a break you doggie of the Elitist. When the day your party is voted out, prepare for your ROTAN!
you want a break, ok. peace...
Gimme a break you doggie of the Elitist. When the day your party is voted out, prepare for your ROTAN!
Fuck all your female species in your 18 generations. I DO NOT MAKE PEACE WITH DOGGIES LIKE YOU! If I have my hands on you, your ass will look like this!!!! :oIo::oIo::oIo:
You begged and pleaded for a break, Kopi gave you with great magnanimosity and even offered his hand in friendship. You rejected it outright with sheer rudeness and arrogance. I don't expect anything good coming from you PHUAcb,Eschercb,LAUcb,CHONcb,CRANEcb and the whole lot your CLONEcbs plus that big BIgFuCkcb too. Good luck to your way to the COLd sToRe !!!
You are indeed behaving like a filfthy hooligan ... who goes around painting debtors' doors and walls...hope u get Rotan!!!
Kopiuncle, ilovesingapore and me will have a good chat at the kopitiam while you serve your time for your misdeeds!![]()
I will fuck your ASESS!!!!
you want a break, ok. peace...
Why do you want to make peace with these thugs who deserve to be rotan?
Rotan your mother chee bye :oIo:
A Spastic Maggot like you must be severely flogged to understand that Singapore is PAP and PAP is Singapore! Dumbass!
I will get my grandfather to fuck and BDSM your mothers ASS till it bleeds like this!!!!
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despicable low down no standard garbage....majulah singapura!!!
You are a scum-licking, cock-sucking and AIDS-carrying primate :oIo:
no standard lah
try harder
give you one more chance
can dig into PHUAcb for help
Still writing multiple lines while your wife is being brutalised by pundeks ? Go give dog fuck :oIo:
Please old fashion more creative please.