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Rolex with orange alligator strap kym? GPGT


I am actually a nice person. Very religious and respectful of people, especially women. Peace loving too. Isn't it obvious? :biggrin:
Ccb Malaysians call insulting people poor as nice. Not to mention insulting woman as slut whore mistress.


Old Fart
Ccb Malaysians call insulting people poor as nice. Not to mention insulting woman as slut whore mistress.
Yes, I did say poor people are nice. In fact, I find them nice and respectful. And I do not insult women, including you! It was you who called yourself slut whore mistress. That's how we all picked it up. From you, my dear! :inlove:


Old Fart
Ccb Malaysians this must be called smart to you just like steal slander and harrass.


Yes, I did say poor people are nice. In fact, I find them nice and respectful. And I do not insult women, including you! It was you who called yourself slut whore mistress. That's how we all picked it up. From you, my dear! :inlove:
Ccb Malaysian son of whore you insulted me poor and you insulted me slut whore mistress. I picked it up from your ccb Malaysians hovering around me insinuating insults using my info.


Ccb Malaysian son of whore you insulted me poor and you insulted me slut whore mistress. I picked it up from your ccb Malaysians hovering around me insinuating insults using my info.
Ccb Malaysians are so pretentious and call me pretending to be virgin when they are pretending to be innocent.


Ccb Malaysians you can pretend but your digital track until India Iran already exposed your ccb crimes on me!


Old Fart
Ccb Malaysian son of whore you insulted me poor and you insulted me slut whore mistress. I picked it up from your ccb Malaysians hovering around me insinuating insults using my info.
OK OK, you are rich. Happy now? Also it was you who called yourself slut whore mistress. So, I am not able to take that back. You need to take it back from yourself. Honestly!


OK OK, you are rich. Happy now? Also it was you who called yourself slut whore mistress. So, I am not able to take that back. You need to take it back from yourself. Honestly!
Insult people poor now say ok ok you are rich tsk tsk really ccb Malaysian condescending behavior. Once again slut whore mistress is you ccb Malaysians slandering me in Living in Jb forum in 2013. It’s a FACT.


OK, this one I don't understand. Digital track, India, Iran etc I have no idea what's that all about.
So pretentious you don’t know of your own filthy crimes on me. Ahmeng also know Saudi Arabia also have and you can act you don’t know. That’s how ccb Malaysians are.