sperm man! i am very "fond" of your write up on financial markets, can i come to you for advice in future??? thks in advance.
Actually it is not an absolutely bad thing for this to happen. It will be cheaper to import from USA, or in China case, to massively import cheaper materials, and stock them up for all over the world.
For Singaporean, it'll be cheaper for Internet Transactions for buying stuffs online, especially those items quoted in Dollar.
Whereas for the case of EURO, it's adios amigos for good... the domino effect is happening... by 2012, EURO will be decimated, and all EURO Union will fall back to their own currency systems...
And USD is still here to stay... just lower in value only, as it got the Petroleum, and OPEC nations, to support it's value through the Petroleum Recycled Dollar Scam.
USD CANNOT CRASH. If it did, the world economy will go down with it...