Returning trays is good manners MY WART-COVERED ANUS AND CHEESE-ENCRUSTED FLYBLOWN JOYSTICK. I return my tray with eating utensils at my Reservist cookhouse, at my workplace cafe, at my school canteen because we take ownership of that environment. We work and study and train there together.
Why should I take ownership of a hawker centre, food court or restaurant, or fast food outlet? Are those other patrons my coursemates, my colleagues or my fellow platoon mates? Who are those other patrons to me, such that I should care for their comfort.
Well said....cuntry gone to the dogs sold out by vile pappies and those dumbfucks want to use pappy tactics talk about graciousness, upbringing and give you guilt trip.
You correctly pointed out pap indoctrination from school NS now even your adult life....really cradle to the grave service
Fuck the pappies and give them the middle finger.
Civil disobedience sinkie style.....
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