Ymca member: Most of us were also curious to hear what the cpf protesters had to say
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2 Oct 2014 - 6:01pm
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Dear TRS,
I was at the YMCA event on Saturday 27[SUP]th[/SUP] September when the CPF protesters were there too and “heckled” the children.
I’ve never really been interested in politics much before but this whole thing has made me want to write my thoughts out and I hope you can publish them so that people can hear another perspective of what happened.
To be honest, I am not too sure how many of the YMCA event attendees were even interested in watching the performances that were happening on the stage. It was more like a picnic and we were all set up under the two long tents kind of doing our own thing.
I feel like some of the people there, including the elderly and disabled were just there to enjoy free food.
Many of us weren't even near the stage and especially for those of us near the end of the tents closer to the CPF protesters, we ended up listening to what the speakers were saying. It was quite interesting!
When the CPF Protesters started their march,
obviously people were distracted a bit but I don’t think anyone was overly alarmed or worried by what was happening and I even saw some YMCA attendees smiling and clapping as the protesters walked through. Some people even shook hands with Roy.
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When the protesters got near the stage though, they did obviously affect the kids on stage… I am not too sure if there would be any kids who weren’t a bit put off by a group of people walking toward them.
But to be honest, the protesters didn’t exactly have anywhere else to go.
The YMCA tents were taking up a large part of the park and had been set up in two rows creating a kind of ‘aisle’ for the protesters to walk down from their corner to the stage.
Personally, I enjoyed being able to hear about what the protesters had to say and I don’t think they were crazy. They just wanted to raise their points about what was wrong with the CPF system and they obviously weren’t targeting the kids. They didn’t really have anywhere else to march.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6HKpNvzt33c" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
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