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Chitchat Retarded Sinkie Cheng thought no need oil to fry egg on Tefal pan!

Scrooball (clone)



Alfrescian (Inf)
Nobody is surprised when people actually voted for a political party that gives them a chicken wing and ask for a whole chicken in return.
i am unable to find another country where foreign passport holders (PR's) also qualify for so called "subsidised" public housing and politicians bring their family dispute to parliament

syed putra

i am unable to find another country where foreign passport holders (PR's) also qualify for so called "subsidised" public housing and politicians bring their family dispute to parliament
The family thinks the island belongs to them when it ideally should be under malay rule.


Alfrescian (Inf)
He can try frying an egg outdoors using sunlight and a magnifying glass. Totally organic and healthy. :biggrin:


He everyday kenna overloaded with information such as AI,Cryptocurrency,Blockchain,Cloudfunding....and believed we have achieved a level of high-tech such that
everything can de done in an instant.Just press the button or switch on and the eggs will be cooked or fried.:biggrin: