He came up to us and told us, "You know you shouldn't be eating this here." My friends told him that we were sorry and are already cleaning up, he stopped is halfway and told crossed his arms and said, 'no.' No explanation, no listening, just a big no. We tried to explain that we didn't know and wanted to apologize sincerely, as our Muslim friends were also eating the cake, we thought it was perfectly fine, but he just raised his voice and said no. I got a tad bit angry with receiving such disgusting service from a shop that I really enjoy having my meal at, told him, 'okay, your staff told us to ask for permission in the future and to clear it immediately and leave. And that's what we are doing.' He came up closer than he already is to the table and just said "No." Again, even louder, practically screaming in our faces. 16 of us, having a meal at 18 chefs, trying to enjoy a birthday celebration, to be ruined by nothing but a no.