Some are obvious. Jah was disrupting a perfectly decent thread started by CKMPD and Rusty raised it. Tonychat disrupted another by calling RandomNexus a clone.
Oh please stop lying about things. His most recent ban he didn't disrupt any thread at all. It was his posting in this thread
that got him banned and it's not disrupting any thread at all since that thread is actually about you.
Also you got teamdrifter permbanned for posting this to you but i see he is now unbanned.
This proves that you are actually now in control some of admin account or have admin privileges and that you ban others based on some personal feud/vendetta which doesn't even border on being insulting or vulgar at all since jah was merely pointing out how you tried to put down chris kuan and say he doesn't know anything and how you got flamed by the rest of the members for trying to insult chris kuan but did not even have the means to say why he is wrong in this thread.
Mind you Jah did not disrupt that thread because he posted about your gaffes in the other thread.
Again explain the double standards whereby your supporters like goldendragon/debonerman/jholmesjr/mojito and co are allowed to openly insult others but don't get banned.
This proves that you are actually the one responsible for the banning and yet you are not a moderator or an admin since you don't have those designations on your nick but you have access to an admin nick to ban others. This is not only insidious but just downright despicable because no one will know who banned them or go after the current admins or mods for example big sexy or leong sam. You also ban others due to your own personal vendettas with them and not because they disrupted any threads in which you have refused to tell the truth at all.
Jah has been exposing your postings and all the silly mistakes you have made all the tall tales, lies, inaccuracies etc. This isn't vulgar obviously since it doesn't involve family members, vulgar words etc but yet due to your small ego you could not take it and instead of debating with him telling him why he is wrong or at least admitting you made a mistake you took the down low method and simply banned him. How can you be a moderator or be in charge of running the forum when you are obviously not impartial but ban others due to something personal and it can be the smallest of reasons and yet allow other nicks who have obviously disrupted threads but who are your clone or on your side to ride roughshod over others? Then when others ask for the reason of members getting banned you refuse to tell the truth but make up lies to say why you banned them.
Also in case you think i was lying about teamdrifter here is the screenshot showing that he was perm banned with no reason given but unbanned later obviously to hide your biasness and impulsive banning of members who did not commit any thread disruptions. Here is the post why teamdrifter was originally banned again.