If he had been given the death penalty, then death would have been his only punishment - there would have been no caning and long term imprisonment. Now he has to face both, the possibility of lifetime incarceration without broadband or being released into a world he will know little about after 20 years.
If he had been given the death penalty, then death would have been his only punishment - there would have been no caning and long term imprisonment. Now he has to face both, the possibility of lifetime incarceration without broadband or being released into a world he will know little about after 20 years.
Then taxpayers have to feed him for 20years. I prefer criminals like him dead. Save us some money.
I'm not sure it is that expensive to keep a prisoner in Singapore. I'm also not sure if it is that cheap to have him hanged.
To keep a prisoner in jail, it is not only food he eat. The bed he sleep, the blanket to wash, the space he occupy, the guards to guard him, the electricity to light up his cell, the water to wash his cell and him, etc.... That is just for a single prisoner, times that if no death penalty, and number of years. It's not cheap. In fact, if I am not wrong, it can be lucrative and some of USA prisons are run privately and not by state.
To keep a prisoner in jail, it is not only food he eat. The bed he sleep, the blanket to wash, the space he occupy, the guards to guard him, the electricity to light up his cell, the water to wash his cell and him, etc.... That is just for a single prisoner, times that if no death penalty, and number of years. It's not cheap. In fact, if I am not wrong, it can be lucrative and some of USA prisons are run privately and not by state.
I'm not sure it is that expensive to keep a prisoner in Singapore. I'm also not sure if it is that cheap to have him hanged.
Cheaper to just hang him la.......
After he gets released you want to have this fucker staying next door to you and your family?
If he behaves himself while in prison....he'll be released even earlier than that.So, we can expect another similar stabbing when he's released in 2033.
As bro said, he will be used as cheap labour....but not sure if able to offset the cost of his upkeep.I'm not sure it is that expensive to keep a prisoner in Singapore. I'm also not sure if it is that cheap to have him hanged.
So, we can expect another similar stabbing when he's released in 2033.
Cheaper to just hang him la.......
After he gets released you want to have this fucker staying next door to you and your family?
Not really. The prison & guards are already there. For the guards it represents a career.
Changi is a very spartan place. I don't think they even provide a bed. Food is probably contracted out to some GLC company already providing food for other instituitions like the army,