fucking pathetic sinkie fucker, make his prc gf pregnant, so boh pian lan lan have to marry her, but gf mother open mouth want S$40k dowry. Stingy fucker is reluctant to pay, feel $40k too expensive, then kena wacked by gf mother..LAN LAN..OBIGOOD!!!

Bloody stingy cheebyekia still dare to report to the chinese press, fucking shameless!!! Make girl pregnant liao still dont wanto pay :oIo: KNN motherfucking bastard think he can hide in Singapore and therefore no need to take responsibility. If she give birth to the kid, dis fucker will still have to pay maintenace to the caregiver and the kid.

LOL OBIGOOD for anyhow fuck PRC meimei!

This is the problem with sinkies like u, that is why the country is so fucked up. why are u defending the gf and calling the sinkie chap a stingy fucker? If he is stingy, u are a loser turd. Let me enlighten u with a few facts. The last time I checked, it takes 2 people to fuck. (normally, no one like u pak chew cheng all the time). That means this PRC slut also decided to fuck this sinkie guy. She could have insisted on condom use, or she could have been on birth control, BUT SHE DID NOT. Now kenna pregnant, how is it his entire fault? She is at least 50% to blame too. he is already doing this PRC slut a big favour by agreeing to marry her. Her cheebye mother dare to ask for dowry? The dowry should come from the bride's side, they should be offering him the dowry to marry her. If he turn his back on her, she would be a single mother raising a bastard child, and her prospect of remarriage with that well used cheeby is zero. This is the only crime the sinkie guy did, he did not anaylse the situation properly and realise that he holds all the cards. If you don't know this cheebye PRC girls by now, I explain it to you. They will trick you and tell u they are taking birth control, or got woman problems, and all that kind of stuff just to make you think they cannot have children, and than lo and behold, guess what, theyare pregnant. They want to get pregnant to pressure the guy into marrying them. Oldest trick in china. If I were him, i ask for paternity test to make sure that he is the real father.