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Redditor's 60yo father is marrying his maid


I may be wrong. But I think the chance of a successful marriage for uncle to marry a domestic worker is higher than uncle marrying a Vietbu/ thai / tiong chicken.
One of my friend also married to his grandma domestic worker. They have a very stable happy family for the past 10years and going strong.
My own uncle also married successfully to a domestic worker, unfortunately my uncle passed on young. His step daughter and wife treated him well while he was still alive.
I think generally domestic workers are more down to earth, compared to chickens, else they wouldn't want to be a domestic worker in the first place.



My father is marrying my maid​


My father (60) is about to marry my helper. There is really nothing much we can do to stop it as he had already made up his mind.
Are there any points to consider to safeguard his wealth? The aspects we are considering are his will, cpf, bank savings and property.
Any suggestions will be really appreciated, thanks
If you think properly over what the TS said.
He wanted to safeguard his father wealth for himself and doesn't think of his father happiness at all. Lousy child pretending to be a good child.

Don't be like gansiokbin @ginfreely
Eyeing on father wealth until jealous with own mum and bad relation with own bro. Evil bastard son of the gan. Cheated parents money to buy condos after condo.
Own so many condo and money for fuck. Future noone to send off. Rot and die alone in the condo.


Old Fart
If anyone can introduce me to a pretty and sexy domestic worker, I will surely marry her. You might say if a woman is pretty and sexy, she wouldn't need to be a domestic worker. But she could be humble and chaste, prefers to work hard to assist a family in their home. Rather than whore herself out to men.

After our marriage, I promise to treat her well, and give her a good life befitting her prettiness and sexiness.


If anyone can introduce me to a pretty and sexy domestic worker, I will surely marry her. You might say if a woman is pretty and sexy, she wouldn't need to be a domestic worker. But she could be humble and chaste, prefers to work hard to assist a family in their home. Rather than whore herself out to men.

After our marriage, I promise to treat her well, and give her a good life befitting her prettiness and sexiness.
Very hard to find both a pretty and sexy domestic worker. They can be sexy and yet not pretty or pretty but not sexy.

And domestic workers doesn't need introduction. They are all very friendly towards anyone on the streets.
You just need to shower them with lots of love and they will be yours. :geek:

syed putra

I knew a wealthy guy who suddenly went bust, divorce wife and married the maid. Both him and maid ended up running a good stall. Ex Wife couldn't take it being poor.