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Chitchat Red lion jumping course


11:40 3wo trainer Jeffrey heng the cameraman weeping on his 2022 jump :notworthy:
But he didn't explained what exactly happened besides the sudden gust of wind coming to his direction that made him out of the target.
Eventually he was still on the target I.e the padang ground but why he didn't do the downward pulling of the canopy strings to break the force which is required for every landing ? :thumbsdown:
Any samster ex commando can advise?


Alfrescian (Inf)
NDP, a shitty show by and for shitty people.

August 9th is over, now give it a rest and await the next propaganda shitshow in 2024. :rolleyes:


But he didn't explained what exactly happened besides the sudden gust of wind coming to his direction that made him out of the target.
Eventually he was still on the target I.e the padang ground but why he didn't do the downward pulling of the canopy strings to break the force which is required for every landing ? :thumbsdown:
Any samster ex commando can advise?
Just learnt that the downward pulling is known as break just like car breaks.
Why he didn't do the break before landing ?
Cannot be strong wind together with faulty break ?


Amdk trainer says he ever jumped from altitude of 30k feet, at distance of 60miles he jumped from usa and landed in Mexico without being detected by radar . The mexican gov cannot see their plane :geek:



Seriously I think NS is a privilege for certain people like the red lions :geek: