I think the PAP has over reacted to the virus,,,its no different to the common flu during winter season,..if there is a flu pandemic will the authorities go into lock down etc?? The fear of the virus is worse than the virus itself.. The public panic going on now,,,is it justified?
Whether its Ebola, Zika, bird flu, SARS, or MERS, it seems that every year a new lethal disease comes out and shakes up the status quo. This year, it’s the Wuhan virus, a new strain of coronavirus that was previously unknown to science. It was recently declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization, which called on all nations to take urgent measures to contain the respiratory disease. As of this writing, the story in the media is evolving faster than the pathogen. Be that as it may, the greatest danger from pandemics comes from public panic and government responses, not the disease itself. Let’s talk about that as we go over the timeless aspects of disease and geopolitics.