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Posted on 18 Feb 2010
Roach found in cafe at swimming club. And this is the 2nd time
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Yong said he found a cockroach in his daughter's spaghetti that he ordered at the Chinese Swimming Club cafe. He said it was the second time they found a pest in food served at the cafe.
Said the STOMPer:
"There was a cockroach in my child's spaghetti served at the cafe in Chinese Swimming Club.
"The poor kid almost finished up the entire serving and she didn't realise the pest in her meal earlier because it was embedded at the bottom of the plate!
"Fortunately, she didn't mistake the cockroach's antenna as spaghetti.
"This is the second time we found a pest in the food served at this cafe.
"It seems that the restaurant has not cleaned up their act after the first incident. Very IRRESPONSIBLE, I think!"
Roach found in spaghetti
Keywords: cockroach , got service or not , object in food
Roach found in cafe at swimming club. And this is the 2nd time
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Yong said he found a cockroach in his daughter's spaghetti that he ordered at the Chinese Swimming Club cafe. He said it was the second time they found a pest in food served at the cafe.
Said the STOMPer:
"There was a cockroach in my child's spaghetti served at the cafe in Chinese Swimming Club.
"The poor kid almost finished up the entire serving and she didn't realise the pest in her meal earlier because it was embedded at the bottom of the plate!
"Fortunately, she didn't mistake the cockroach's antenna as spaghetti.
"This is the second time we found a pest in the food served at this cafe.
"It seems that the restaurant has not cleaned up their act after the first incident. Very IRRESPONSIBLE, I think!"
Roach found in spaghetti
Keywords: cockroach , got service or not , object in food