If this is true and not something that U pull out of your ass. Step one is simply to report those assholes to MoM.
Firstly reporting the french fuckers and the Raffles Hotel to MOM would not help anything at all. The Raffles Hotel have $$$$ and LAWYERS from LEE & LEE to fight you, do you have the time and $$$$ to play along with them??? If you have lots of $$$$ and time, go ahead and fight them in court.
Complain to MOM is most likely a waste of time. They will advise you that this is a DOG EAT DOG world; just take it and moved on. If you have $$$$ and time, get a lawyer and fight them.
Secondly, this french fucker GM in Raffles Hotel is a "FOREIGN TALENT", do you think PAP and WORKER UNION in Singapore will help you??? If PAP dogs and Worker Union dogs helped you in getting even with the "FOREIGN TALENT", all this foreign talents will start to bad mouth PAP and Singapore then no foreign trashes will come to Singapore to work. And PAP will lose a lot of revenues and taxes on this foreign talents.
So unless PAP LKY LHL must really mean what they say of putting Singaporeans as priority, if not the next election is time to kick them out!!!
You can try talking to friends who worked in Raffles Hotel, you will get the truth of what I say here.
But if you called Raffles Hotel, the HR Marketing dept will tell you no comment!!!