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Posted on 17 Mar 2010
Flaring in the middle of the night at Pulau Bukom
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer william noticed that for the past few weeks, flaring has been occurring in the middle of the night. He wonders if the Ministry of Environment has overlooked it.
There have been previous sightings by several other STOMPers on similar gas flarings in Jurong Island oil refineries.
Said the STOMPer:
"For the past few weeks, in the night, flaring happens off the southern island located off Pasir Panjang.
"If I remember correctly, it is in Pulau Bukom.
"This photo was taken from Pasir Panjang Hill on the 15th of March.
"I could see the light from as far as West Coast's Esso station.
"I could also see smoke emissions from the side of the flare.
"Perhaps the person responsible does this in the middle of the night, avoiding the attention from the Ministry of Environment?
"Will there be health hazards caused?"
Keywords: flaring , pasir panjang
Flaring in the middle of the night at Pulau Bukom
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer william noticed that for the past few weeks, flaring has been occurring in the middle of the night. He wonders if the Ministry of Environment has overlooked it.
There have been previous sightings by several other STOMPers on similar gas flarings in Jurong Island oil refineries.
Said the STOMPer:
"For the past few weeks, in the night, flaring happens off the southern island located off Pasir Panjang.
"If I remember correctly, it is in Pulau Bukom.
"This photo was taken from Pasir Panjang Hill on the 15th of March.
"I could see the light from as far as West Coast's Esso station.
"I could also see smoke emissions from the side of the flare.
"Perhaps the person responsible does this in the middle of the night, avoiding the attention from the Ministry of Environment?
"Will there be health hazards caused?"
Keywords: flaring , pasir panjang