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public request to fly national flag


Alfrescian (Inf)
The big question is : why do citizens need the government's permission to fly the national flag? This is very wrong! Anyone should be able to fly the flag whenever they want to, we are a democracy! The national flag is a symbol of our country, it belongs to all Singaporeans, the government does not own it.


Indeed. Totalitarian shithole micromanaging people's lives. People should be free to hang their flags wherever and whenever they please, and use the flag in whichever way they please, including but not limited to burning it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
To hell with the national flag... A united show of solidarity? Yeah ok, I will do just that when Pappy scums are voted out one day...


Alfrescian (Inf)
50 over years of brainwashing the shitizens made Sinkies weak and docile
Eat , shit and fuck also need gahmen's permission :FU:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don’t have marikita flag. But I do have have this.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SG is a constitutional mudland country with a chinese majority. fuck the flag. strange nation.

Sinkieland's Constitution is not worth the paper it is printed on (or the website it is hosted on). You should go read it for yourself. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Coronavirus: Rules changed to allow people to display Singapore flag from now until Sept 30
The period in which the flag may be displayed has been brought forward so that Singaporeans can demonstrate unity.

SINGAPORE - The rules for displaying the national flag have been amended so that people can fly the crescent and five stars from now until September, the Government said on Saturday (April 25).

The Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) said that the move is in response to public requests to display the flag during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak as a rallying symbol.

MCCY Minister Grace Fu said the flag is "a call for us to work together and stand resilient in the face of a crisis like this".
Unity and resilient is to show you are honest, transparent, accountable and responsible. Lacking of any of those disqualified you from being part of the team Singapore. PAP, you are fucked and it is not about displaying flag publicly and now is not the time for your staged wayang again.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The big question is : why do citizens need the government's permission to fly the national flag? This is very wrong! Anyone should be able to fly the flag whenever they want to, we are a democracy! The national flag is a symbol of our country, it belongs to all Singaporeans, the government does not own it.

Never see Govt' seeking citizens' permission when they paid themselves obscenely.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Unity and resilient is to show you are honest, transparent, accountable and responsible. Lacking of any of those disqualified you from being part of the team Singapore. PAP, you are fucked and it is not about displaying flag publicly and now is not the time for your staged wayang again.

Displaying the flag during National Day period was a barometer of the ground support for the incumbent PAP regime. In a country that has a 'one party bao gar liao' system, the lines between party and country have long been blurred. The PAP exploits this too, by getting its RC dogs to put up NDP decorations and flags at busy road junctions and strategic locations every year.

What the PAP regime is doing now is conflating 'combating the pandemic' with patriotism, and thus flying the flag is a show of support: cheering on the country/govt and self-consolation during quarantine (like yesterday's 8pm noise fest).

I half-expected the election to happen in 2019 to coincide with the 'Bicentennial' nonsense. The PAP govt pushed it forward to 2020, the pandemic happened, so it's now for their Plan B. :wink:


There was one year where those RC dogs came and hang a flag outside every unit before National Day. One fine day when I came back, I noticed that the flag outside my unit was gone. Apparently, some mother fucker stole it! So my unit was the only unit in the whole block without the flat on National Day. :cool:


all these fucking sing song, put flags nonsense propaganda only porlumpars can think up....
there are many who lost their rice bowls with these cheebye lockdown, common sense tell you that many already infected but dont even know it
so many bao tao kias are born because of this virus....