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public request to fly national flag


Alfrescian (Inf)
Coronavirus: Rules changed to allow people to display Singapore flag from now until Sept 30
The period in which the flag may be displayed has been brought forward so that Singaporeans can demonstrate unity.
The period in which the flag may be displayed has been brought forward so that Singaporeans can demonstrate unity.

SINGAPORE - The rules for displaying the national flag have been amended so that people can fly the crescent and five stars from now until September, the Government said on Saturday (April 25).

The Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) said that the move is in response to public requests to display the flag during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak as a rallying symbol.

MCCY Minister Grace Fu said the flag is "a call for us to work together and stand resilient in the face of a crisis like this".


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I'm glad that the PAP government is so responsive to the ground sentiments. Many of my RC residents are eager to fly the Singapore flag to show our patriotism and love for Singapore.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The question is why the public want to fly the flag because of outbreak of virus. To celebrate?


KNN which idiot thought of this idea KNN please spare a thought to those that lost their family members in this pandemic KNN celebrating other people misfortune ? KNN


Alfrescian (Inf)
The question is why the public want to fly the flag because of outbreak of virus. To celebrate?

'SG United' propaganda. Expecting the pappies to use the pandemic in 2020 like how they used LKY's death in 2015. :wink:

And if/when the pandemic dies down I expect festivals and organized celebrations to celebrate 'victory over COVID-19'. It's like those SG50 concerts in the heartlands in 2015. :biggrin:


Put flag for wst, the dormitory earn big money, created this national CB , n use public fund to treat n house all workers ,then the operstors can keep wat they esrn n song song yeo lan par ,n now government tell us to hang flag, wst the hell? throw smoke grenade again for 70% minions?


Old Fart
The big question is : why do citizens need the government's permission to fly the national flag? This is very wrong! Anyone should be able to fly the flag whenever they want to, we are a democracy! The national flag is a symbol of our country, it belongs to all Singaporeans, the government does not own it.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Put flag for wst, the dormitory earn big money, created this national CB , n use public fund to treat n house all workers ,then the operstors can keep wat they esrn n song song yeo lan par ,n now government tell us to hang flag, wst the hell? throw smoke grenade again for 70% minions?
70% never learn. Ignorance is bliss to them.