Jah, dont do doggy farts.
Its known that urines dont have much brains and are idiots in many things.
The only reason they maintain some intelligence is due to their dogged determination, just like you doggy.
We should rate the idiocy of urines, for me:
The worst urine idiots are the tiong urines, they like to run around and seem like doing something except they dont know what it is.
just above them are the hongkie and taiwan urines, not so smelly and have some intelligence.
above them a wee little bit are the spore urines, totally clueless idiots whose females wear tight shorts and spaghetti tops to lunch on sundays despite having no cleavage and looking ugly as soiled diapers and their men think they are smart when in fact they are screwed by the other urines and are looked down upon by everyone
mudland urines are top of the pile, they are both cunning and dastardly, will sell they own child if it helpds them work in spore a little longer and they love to act as if spore is the promised urinal.
so yes, bottom line jah, urines are idiots, they show it themselves too.
0 link which means sam farted it up.