Fucking pinoys not only demand separate accomodation, they also want free food
A closer look at the news clip cause one's blood to boil.
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A new breed of contruction worker has arrived in Singapore and their government has asked that they have different living arrangements - their own dorms, with meals provided.
The're from the Philippines.
The Philippines government would require these workers to be housed in a separate building from workers of other nationalities.
[Vincente Cabe, Labour Attache, Philppines Embassy, Singapore]
We have encountered cases where there are conflicts between foreign workers of different nationalities, because of cultural differences, and sometimes because of language differences.
They don't seem to understand each other, and Filipinos also have some different cultural dimensions that are different from other countries.
Besides the condition regarding accommodation. The Philippine government has also requested that the workers are provided with meals.
[Vincente Cabe, Labour Attache, Philppines Embassy, Singapore]
The reason being that if these workers are on the job from morning to sunset, or even take overtime, then they wouldn't have time to cook their own meal.
The company should help them by providing free food so that when they go home they only have to eat and then rest, Because we believe the job of a construction worker is a little bit heavy.