Good morning Singapore. I was browsing the net and found an article. I am sharing with you Guys. I hope the writer can search my resignation article which was in the news. "Regardless of race,language or religions." Where are all the Minority candidates of WP in the past? Time to think about it.
While I never did expect any formal recognition for my contributions towards the party, I was disappointed to see most of the 2011 ex-candidates and ordinary members around me being nominated and given party cadreship quite easily following the general elections. I had also heard from existing cadre members that Ms Sylvia had privately made reference to a group of
“problematic” ex-candidates that are not given cadreship and I started wondering if I was one of them.
I finally questioned Ms Sylvia about why she never considered nominating me for party cadreship and was
not satisfied with her explanations:
1) That it has been the party’s experience that Indians tend to leave after getting party cadreship; and
2) That (she had wanted to nominate me but) I had abruptly stopped contributing at her MPS sessions.
I feel that it is unfair to consider all Indians as uncommitted to the party and if this has been WP’s experience, the right thing for WP is to reflect on what it might be doing to contribute to this and perhaps arrest this problem if it considers and aspires itself to be the alternative voice of all Singaporeans.
With this mindset, I see no possibility of me being able to play any meaningful and constructive part in the party, save for being a showpiece for the minority candidate ticket come elections time. I feel let down and betrayed by the WP leadership, in whom I had put my trust and faith in, and for whom I made substantial sacrifice by stepping forward to serve. I therefore have no choice but to part ways with WP.
WP minority outreach discussion criticised by former member
The dialogue, however, prompted former WP member Sajeev Kamalasanan to continue his critcisms of the party on Facebook. He had first written about the dialogue last week.
Mr Sajeev, who quit the party in May, had been unhappy that he and a few other former candidates, including minority ones, were not made cadres despite standing for election last year.
On Sunday, Mr Sajeev called WP minority outreach discussion dialogue a failure.
Noting that less than 20 minority members had showed up, Mr Sajeev said he was surprised tha the WP had “failed to convince even its own minority members to actively participate in Saturday's dialogue session”.
He added: “Obviously, the Party has a long way to go in even inspiring its own minority members, let alone the public at large, on its minority engagement efforts. My verdict on the WP Minority Conversation: FAILED.”
Mr Sajeev said the party should start by reflecting on “
why many of its own minority members are in fact non-active or choose to leave and resign from the Party”.
“Getting views from just these few participants who more than likely are quite satisfied with the Party's status quo is not quite cutting it,” he said.