Bro, I can do that (toned down) if this is what the majority wants in this forum. Points to note, I'm doing this out of nothing. I don't own a Setia or EW property though I'm vested in other projects. I'm doing this for the benefit of the majority in this shared cyberspace who are here to share and learn about things related to properties. Don't forget who started calling others doggy? We all know it's cslong camouflaging under highflyer nick which shows another aspect of his character. Talking about degeneration of thread, I'm sure there were many precedences previously. Cslong has the wrong mindset that he is always right , his comments are sound and he has the stamina to outdo anyone here. My message to him is simple: 一山还有一山高, 上得山多终遇虎....Btw ah long keep thinking that we are actually the same person! Lol. Cheers